Saturday, October 8, 2011

I know, I know.

So it's been awhile. And I apologize. But I always come back!

It's been quite the busy end of summer and start of fall. I moved. I started a new job. And, of course, there's been a lot of solid live music.

Looking back, I can't even remember every show I've been to since I last posted. I ended up in Colorado for Phish's Labor Day run. I did 3 of 4 night Umphrey's McGee Brooklyn Bowl. I've seen Real Estate, Bustle Your Hedgerow, TV on the Radio, Broken Social Scene, Bright Eyes, Particle, Perpetual Groove, and Conspirator. I witnessed one night of Dave Matthews Band at the first attempt of his Caravan festival on Governor's Island and 3 more nights for take 2 on Randall's Island. It's been a busy few weeks for me, but musically and personally. But it's been great fun, and life is awesome right now.

The good news is, things seemed to have leveled out and I'll be updating more frequently. I'll be posting pictures and some video of the musical shenanigans of the past few weeks on Facebook. As for some food porn, expect some tailgating recipes and fall favorites.

So... stay tuned, friends. Shimmer 'n out.