Monday, August 1, 2011

Farmer's Market Report

The end of July and the beginning of August is when everything is in full bloom and reaching peak growing season. While some popular summer produce starts showing up in early July, they are only now starting to get to their full potential of tastiness for the year. Best example: tomatoes. It seemed like all the farms at the Union Square Greenmarket had them today, and I cannot believe how gorgeous they looked!

What is also great about summer tomatoes is the variety. Many farms have their own heirloom of tomatoes, which are just as delicious and can make a plain looking plate gorgeous. With basil also at highest quality of the season, this is the perfect time of year to make the best caprese salad you ever had.

If you are going to pick a time of year to avoid the supermarket, this is it. You can find everything from peppers, hot, sweet, and...purple?, to eggplants, cucumbers, corn, radishes, every type of leafy green, and fresh herbs all at the farmer's market right now. The possibilities are endless! Many of these items can be marinated in oil (I'd recommend a blend of grapeseed and olive oil), salt, pepper, and whatever fresh herbs you want and thrown onto the grill for the ultimate summer treat.

Even better, summer fruit! Plums, peaches, and berries are best right now, and nothing quite matches the taste when they are freshly picked from your local farm. You can even throw some of these on the grill, or just eaten as is, added to lemonade, or frozen to cool off from grilling!

Google is your best friend to find your local farmer's market. Remember, friends- no farms, no food! Support your local farms- you are doing your community, your earth, and your farmer a big favor, and you in turn will be getting the highest quality produce one can find!

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